As part of Daciano da Costa's conservation, valorization and communication project, the team continues to pursue the author's desire, to preserve his estate by continuing to present his work to national and international institutions and museums.
As part of Daciano da Costa's conservation, valorization and communication project, the team continues to pursue the author's desire, to preserve his estate by continuing to present his work to national and international institutions and museums.
On 16th November, 2021, NOVA University Lisbon and Atelier Daciano da Costa signed a protocol aimed at the development of research and innovation projects in the areas of confluence between Design, Culture and Technology and the training of young people in the areas of creation in the design of products with a technological base, through training activities developed by the Atelier in conjunction with NOVA academics.
Daciano da Costa (1930-2005) one of the most outstanding Portuguese designers entered the permanent collection of Vitra Design Museum, the world’s leading museums of design.
Daciano da Costa will be represented with two models selected by Vitra Design Museum that are now key objects of design history among other important design personalities.
Quadratura Chair (1971) and Chair Alvor Hotel (1967)
It is with great satisfaction that we are sharing this important moment for the dissemination of the author’s work internationally.
There are 19 architectural projects in Portuguese territory that are nominated for the European Union Award for Contemporary Architecture Mies van der Rohe 2022. Among them is the Torres Vedras Arts and Creativity Center, designed by architect José Neves.
The building where the Torres Vedras Arts and Creativity Center is located is located on the Encosta de São Vicente. Its configuration results from the rehabilitation and conversion of the old Municipal Slaughterhouse of Torres Vedras.
Architect José Neves integrated chairs of the Alvor Casa da Música, model designed by Designer Daciano da Costa, in his interior architecture project in the building's cafeteria space.
In 2021, continuing the interventions that Tursmo de Lisboa developed in partnership with the Lisbon City Council and 90 years after the inauguration of the Sul e Sueste Station, by the architect Cottinelli Telmo, we celebrated the reopening of this building now dedicated to maritime and river tourism .
For Cottinelli Telmo, "the building would have that modern character in which, once all sentimental and useless decoration is banished, there remains almost nothing but a game of volumes and plains in which the logic of construction and proportions speak mainly".
To follow this principle, without “sentimentalism”, despite the “heaviness” of the responsibility for the family relationship with the architect, we tried to adopt a restoration philosophy, guaranteeing the proportions, in a work to reinforce the entire building.
The furniture project for the Main Atrium would enhance and give meaning to the whole: hence the inevitable choice (also for family reasons and not only) of the Boroa armchairs by Daciano da Costa to consolidate the truly timeless character of the building.
A testimony to the passage of 3 generations of architects in this place facing the river.
By Architect Ana Cottinelli Telmo Monteiro da Costa
The work of Daciano da Costa has been present in the permanent collection of the Museum of Design and Fashion since June 2010, date on which the contract of deposit of museum collection of the estate Daciano da Costa was concluded.
Consisting of a set of design pieces, mockups and models from the private collection supporting the Museum's purpose of disclosing and promoting the evolution of twentieth-century to the national and international public through a dynamic, open and innovative museology project, where the different perspectives, sensibilities and languages of design are present.
The Daciano da Costa estate has allowed us to qualify the actions developed by MUDE, enriching its contents thus contributing to its greater visibility.
The estate of Daciano da Costa deposited in the Fort of Sacavém since 2002, when a loan contract was signed for the personal archive of professor designer Daciano da Costa, between himself and the Portuguese state, through the Direção-Geral dos Edifícios e Monumentos Nacionais, current DGPC.
The assigned pieces consist in 13,653 drawings and 7,949 photographs.
The architecture of interiors and furniture of some rooms of the Rectory of the University of Lisbon are Daciano da Costa creations. Nowadays we can still find his work some romos of the Rectory: office and rector's hall, oval or small banquet room, senate meeting room, noble hall, aula magna.
The interior architecture, the equipment and furniture of the authorship of Daciano da Costa, can still be found today in this space: reading room, cafeteria, noble hall and auditorium. general reading room, public cafeteria, noble hall and auditórium.
Daciano da Costa was invited to take part in the architetcure project of the headquarters of the Foundation between 1966-1969, he conceived the project of architecture of interiors, equipment and furniture of some spaces: art library, cafeteria, vestibule / lower lobby of the Museum, foyer, large auditorium bar, dining areas for employees, administration, small auditoriums. He was also subsequently invited in 1999 for its refurbishment. So, still today you can see all his work at this emblematic space in the city of Lisbon.
Between 1971 and 1972, Daciona da Costa together with Metalúrgica da Longra developed the interior architecture and laboratory equipment project. Even today you can visit and find some pieces of his own: congress hall, meeting room, main lobby, library, cafeteria, exhibition hall.
The equipment and furniture project for the Centro Cultural de Belém (CCB) was conducted through the search for formal and structural affinities with its context. In coherence with modular clarity, the predominance of volumetric expression and the strict orthogonality of architecture. Being a work conceived between 1990 and 1992, still today we can find pieces of the authorship of Daciano da Costa in some rooms: large auditorium, cafeteria, reception desk, restaurant, dining room of the presidency.
Between 1993 and 1994 the rehabilitattion project of the furniture of the Coliseum was made by Daciano of the Costa. Even today, if you go to a show or concert, you will have a seat in an audience chair or a stateroom chair designed by Daciano da Costa. Also present are the collapsible audience, the dressing rooms, the catering areas, the music shop and the small auditorium.
In the interior design for the Casa da Música (2005), designed by the Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas, as part of the event Porto Capital of European Culture, the architect elects Daciano da Costa furniture once designed for Teatro Villaret (1964-1965) ), Hotel Alvor (1966-1968), Hotel Altis (1971-1974), Coliseu dos Recreios (1993-1994) and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (1966-1969 / 1999/2001). Since the Casa da Música inaugurated in 2005, the various reeditions, selected by Rem Koolhaas, are still today intergrated in the architectural spaces of the Casa da Música in Porto
Between 1997 and 1998 Daciano da Costa would intervene in a ground floor section previously occupied with bureaucratic services and that it was decided to recover for representative functions. In areas adjacent to the main lobby, an area for public reception and an exhibition gallery was created: in the background, a new room for public sessions and their lost steps. Thus, one can still see today the recovery of the interiors and the design of furniture made by Daciano da Costa: public sitting room, support office, entrance, multipurpose room, Passos Perdidos and public reception (ground floor), office furniture of the president and vice president.
Os paradigmas da arquitectura brasileira do Movimento Moderno e a memoria das vanguardas do inicio do século – neoplasticistas e suprematistas, a Bauhaus e Le Corbusier – têm uma presença muito evidente no conjunto do hotel. Entre 1972 e 1984 Daciano da Costa concebeu a arquitectura de interiores desta obra em estreita relação com seus autores, os arquitectos Oscar Niemeyer e Viana de Lima. Embora tenha sofrido alterações ainda se mantiveram algums quartos com a arquitectura de interiores original: restaurante, grill, cafetaria, casino sala de jogos, cineteatro.
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