Interior and furniture Design for special rooms (rector’s office and lounge, small dining room, Senate meeting room, main hall, amphitheatre for major ceremonies and professors’ lounge) and Aula Magna [main auditorium].
Daciano da Costa’s project for the Rectorate of the University of Lisbon was his first major commission after opening a studio in his name, which he did in 1959. Designed by Porfírio Pardal Monteiro (1897-1957) in 1952, alongside the Faculties of Letters and Law, the Rectorate building was the crowning monument in the central avenue of the University Campus of Lisbon, at Campo Grande, following the plan he had drawn in 1935.
Daciano da Costa was responsible here for characterizing the most meaningful spaces through the design of the architectural elements, the cladding, the fittings and the furniture, by defining the detail and by choosing the colours and materials.
Caniu/Comissão Administrativa para as Novas Instalações Universitárias, Ministério das Obras Públicas [Administrative Commission for the New University Facilities, Ministry of Public Works].
Porfírio Pardal Monteiro and António Pardal Monteiro, architects.
Daciano da Costa, Luís Ralha, Rogério Ribeiro
Other contributions Mário Carlos Araújo Leal and Vítor Emanuel Simões Sampaio, engineers (electrical and electromechanical installations); Manuel Bívar, engineer (acoustic design and insulation); Carlos Homem de Sá, architect (general furniture).
Builders Empresa de Construções Lopes (Irmãos), Lda.
Furniture Manufacturers José Olaio & Cª (filho), José Alcobia, Móveis Sousa Braga, Fábrica de
Móveis Aséta, Móveis e Adornos, Lda., Metalúrgica da Longra, Lda., Centro Técnico Hospitalar, Viúva de João Ferreira & Filhos and Armando Filinto Pinto Barbosa.
Work: Obra Reitoria da UL (1969-1961)
Re edition: Atelier Daciano da Costa
Work: Obra Reitoria da UL (1960-1961)
Re edition: Atelier Daciano da Costa
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Work: Obra Reitoria da UL (1960-1961)
Re edition: Atelier Daciano da Costa
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